cover image Taste Tibet: Family Recipes from the Himalayas

Taste Tibet: Family Recipes from the Himalayas

Julie Kleeman and Yeshi Jampa. Interlink, $35 (256p) ISBN 978-1-62371-854-1

Jampa and Kleeman, co-owners of the Taste Tibet restaurant in Oxford, England, tout the cuisine of Jampa’s heritage in this fascinating assemblage of more than 80 recipes. They open with a brief exploration of the role food plays in Tibetan culture, as well as a Buddhist guide to mindful eating (beginning each meal with an expression of gratitude, they explain, ensures “it taste[s] better”). A section of breakfasts features the nutty flavor and health benefits of tsampa (roasted barley flour), made into a porridge and paired, ideally, with a bowl of tea that is traditionally tempered with butter and salt. Homemade noodle fans can embrace hand-pulled creations like vegetable thenthuk, or take a stab at momos (Tibetan dumplings) filled with cabbage, beef, or spiced potato. In a nod to Western tastes, beef proves a suitable replacement for yak in a beef stir-fry and in beef and bacon noodle soup. A chapter of spices and dips turns up the heat with choices like tomato sepen with Sichuan peppercorns, while several hearty curries and the easy-to-make Yeshi’s dal round out a savory chapter of street food favorites. Tibetan culture leaves little room for sugary treats, but tradition isn’t everything, as shown by dessert options like honey nut granola bars and chocolate tsampa truffles. This flavorful spin on old favorites yields satisfying results. (Apr.)